First let us look to the intellectual elite, the movers and shakers, the inventors and all those people who are giving TED talks. Well as I said in my speech, most of them are trying to run before we've learned to crawl, trying to solve the hardest problems first. And even when it comes to poverty and global ignorance, the issues are the same. I am deeply concerned with the fate of countries that have yet to enter into modern society, but my concerns for them are outweighed by my worries that the people within our own "Westernized" countries are still very blind to the changes which are going on around them. So how do get the people who are already in all of our well-to-do countries to be forward thinking and globally aware? First it starts off with the people who are aware, making it their goal to spread more awareness. Okay let me be a little more concise about this, a little more direct:
Dear Smart People of the world, I urge you, for the time being, to let your grandiose goals sit on the side for a moment. You must focus your attention on local level in the attempt to eradicate ignorance in the communities which you come from. The best way to achieve the worlds goals is to create a movement, and it must start locally first. Before spreading your hands and reaching out to the hearts and minds of nations in despair, first lets show the world that we here ( North America, Europe, et al) are not so divided in our thought. There are an incredible amount of things wrong with the United States and yet so many of our smartest people have turned their focus to being missionaries in other countries. We need to show the world that the western world is truly something worth striving for.... because right now it's only an illusion. We need to all get behind the cause, and make the illusion transparent.
Once the masse are aligned real change can occur. But than there is one more obstacle, and this is probably the single most difficult obstacle facing the world today: The disparity of wealth. The masses do not hold the majority of the worlds capital, that goes primarily to the top 1%, the billionaires. The fact is that people who have earned this much money, (largely due to the fact that capitalism is a broken system) do not want to lose their stature and their place. So we have to change the game a little. Capitalism needs to be regulated, capped. If you hit a certain level, it's as if you won the game. A monument at a location of your choosing is erected and built by the worlds top craftsmen, you're lifestyle is preserved for a minimum of two generations, your bills and expenses are all covered, but the majority of your money gets put back into the system to be divvied out among new entrepreneurial minds in a very open, though still regulated fashion (which I've outlined in a different piece of writing). So maybe you go from having 60 billion to have 500 million (which if you don't want to, you don't have to ever use, because all your expenses are taken care of). But get this, you also get one of those black-card-type-things where you can buy pretty much any material possession you want, and the money is covered by (and here we have to create a new entity) such and such foundation which is the very same one that is in charge of divvying out that money which, up until recently, was just sitting dormant in a bank somewhere. And what if you don't agree? Well lets put it this way... if the masses are in charge, and you refuse to join in... well than we, the people, boycott you. We refuse to work for your massive enterprises and such, we refuse to go to your corporate chains and and buy your products. It's as simple as that. When the people make the decisions the answers become much more clear cut.
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