Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Doctrine for change (re-building a renaissance).

A motion... promote the values of Science, Math, Art, Education and Reason above all else.

-To no longer choose to venerate shallow personalities who manipulate the media over the brilliant minds of scientists of philosophers (i.e. Kim Kardashian over Richard Dawkins)

-To promote reason in every situation over antiquated precepts and religious scriptures.

-To stand up against pointless war and killing and the victimization of innocent peoples over silly disputes that no one actually understands.

-To expect proof and substance as the backbone of any argument or action

-To alleviate the disparity created by a capitalist system gone wild

-To boycott corporations which serve no good to the common man (or at least try to).

-To embrace technology as a source for unifying people instead of driving them further apart.

-To focus on the larger picture, to tackle the issues which face humanity, and not get caught up in our small-minded idealism.

-To promote all values non-violently through the power of mass appeal, by creating a trend towards reason and logic, by debating the issues intellectually as opposed to resolving them physically.

-To remain open minded in all situations.

-To create complete equality amongst people of all races and genders.

-To change the hierarchy of importance such that the our fellow man is at the top of that list.

-To use history as guide for what not to do, not as trap for repetition.

-To keep coming up with precepts to guide a progressive renaissance of thought.

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